
Packing Company
Cargo Company
Export Company

Environmental Policy
Quality Assurance


Our vision is to be the most reliable and progressive safe food supplier in the Middle East delivering to the export markets the highest and most consistent  quality organic produce year round

Al Hoda Intro, 6:04

Philosophy rather than business..

  • Al Hoda is a concept not a project
  • Al Hoda is a friend of the environment
  • Al Hoda provides vast job opportunities for the local population
  • Al Hoda helps the residents of Sinai to develop their area through
  • training courses, interns, and introducing new technology
  • Al Hoda encourages immigration from the crowded Nile valley to the barren Sinai desert

Genius location of Egypt.

  • Stable climate all year round.
  • Central location in universe
  • Close to European major export markets which is an advantage over any other non-EU supplier